» Absolute Resolutions Investment

2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client 

2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client in the 61st District Court, Grand Rapids, Kent County. Absolute and Stenger & Stenger, P.C. sued our client in District Court on an old Citibank, N.A. debt. Absolute and Stenger sued for over $4200. We stepped in and Answered the lawsuit and sued Absolute for suing a client with no proof. We soon negotiated a package that eliminated the case and the debt before the first Pre-Trial. With the Citibank debt and case eliminated, client's credit scores will go up. Very happy Client. DEBT ELIMINATED

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2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client

2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client in the 35th District Court, Plymouth, Wayne County. Absolute and Stenger & Stenger, P.C. sued our client in District Court on an old First National Bank of Omaha debt. Absolute and Stenger sued for over $4300. We stepped in and Answered the lawsuit and sued Absolute for suing a client with no proof. We negotiated a package that eliminated the case and the debt within two weeks. With the debt and case eliminated, client's credit scores will go up. Very happy Client. DEBT ELIMINATED
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2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client in the 12th District Court

2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client in the 12th District Court in the City of Jackson, Jackson County. Client was sued by Stenger & Stenger, P.C. for owing approx. $5600 to Absolute on an alleged Citibank debt. We filed an Answer and Counter Claim. After the Pre-Trial, we negotiated the whole debt away and the credit cleaned up. The debt is now gone, and the case is dismissed. Very Happy Client. DEBT ELIMINATED

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2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client

2020: Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC v Client in the 36th District Court in Wayne County. Absolute Resolutions and Stenger & Stenger, P.C. claimed to be owed over $4,000 through a collection lawsuit. Absolute Resolutions had no proof of ownership of the debt that they claimed our client owed. We got involved and within days, the case was settled, the debt was eliminated, and the credit will be cleared. The client will also receive her small retainer back. Very Happy Client! DEBT ELIMINATED

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