JH CX Liquidating Trust (JH CX) is a debt buying company who just started filing Michigan collection lawsuits through Shermeta Law Group. JH CX buys up old bank debt or defaulted loans files lawsuits for the full amount. The lawsuits filed are all based upon a weird title history of strange sounding entities buying up the old debt with no proof. As their lawsuits are filed without the proper assignment or title paperwork to prove their case, it is easy to fight them and secure a good result. So, review the paperwork to ensure that there is evidence and documentation to support the balance JH CX claims is owed. Our goal for you is to point out to the Court that JH CX or Shermeta has not followed state and federal law when attempting to collect a debt. In the past with have counter sued JH CX with the goal of getting our clients' debts eliminated.
What names should I look for if JH CX is suing me?
The main attorney on all of JH CX debt collection lawsuit is Tricia N. McKinnon from Shermeta Law Group PLLC . They specialize in suing consumers with debt collection lawsuits. Look for the law firm's name on the Summons in your paperwork to confirm they are suing with Shermeta's law firm. Right now, Shermeta has most of the JH CX business.
When you get sued by JH CX in State court, an answer and counter claim against them is the best approach to eliminating or settling your debt when the facts are there. I have not seen much proof of ownership of the specific debt they are suing upon-just general pages of a weird title history and strange sounding entities claiming ownership of the debt that do not apply to you. Get your paperwork to us within 21 days of being served and we will provide you a free analysis to help you win.
Sample Lawsuit for JHCX
How to Beat a JH CX Lawsuit
If they get a default against you, they can levy or garnish your bank accounts and paycheck. You want to avoid this at all costs. When you hire us, we will file a Response or an “Answer” to the lawsuit to avoid a default being filed against you with 24 hours of you hiring us. Second, we file a Counter Claim showing the Court that JH CX did not file or attach the proper paperwork to the lawsuit. The real paperwork is long gone from being bought and sold by different entities and debt buyers you see attached to their lawsuits. Your counter claim shows the Court that JH CX has no standing to sue you and therefore they broke the law. You maybe then entitled to money damages and attorney fees and costs. A counter claim of this nature will settle lawsuits quickly and eliminate your debt.
JH CX Corporate Address and Resident Agent:
The name and address of the Resident Agent: | | |
Company Number | | 161109492 |
Status | | Active |
Incorporation Date | | 9 December 2019 (about 2 years ago) |
Jurisdiction | | Oregon (US) |
Branch | | Branch of JH CX LIQUIDATING TRUST (Delaware (US)) |
Agent Address | | 1127 BROADWAY ST NE, STE 310, SALEM, 97301, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
Directors / Officers | | CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY, agent IRWIN BERSTEIN, trustee |
How to Settle a Debt with JH CX Liquidating Trust
Case resolution is simple with the right attorney. If you need help with a JH CX lawsuit, then contact me at 248-342-9583 or through our free evaluation form. As a debt lawsuit defense attorney, I offer a free legal consultation when you are sued by JH CX or their collection attorneys. As I stated above, the best way to deal with them is to come in strong with a good defense and counter claim on their lawsuit. As our five-star clients will tell you, the savings we offer far outweigh our small legal fees and you might get your money back from them in a Federal lawsuit. We do it all. Please fill out our Free Case Evaluation today.
Cases we resolved with JH CX Liquidating Trust
View all JH CX Liquidating Trust Cases